If you’re experiencing a dental emergency, call Green Cove Dental at (904) 297-8416. Dr. Naderge Chery treats toothaches, avulsion, fractures, and other dental issues that require immediate attention. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Chery for same-day emergency dental care in Green Cove Springs, FL today!
When patients experience tooth pain or suspect an infection, receiving an accurate diagnosis determines the course of treatment. Extreme sensitivity to temperatures, bleeding, or a knocked-out tooth could indicate that a smile may need professional attention.
The following dental issues that may warrant an emergency dentist:
Toothaches can indicate a number issues, including swollen gums, infection, or concern like food caught between teeth. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and place an ice pack over the area to reduce swelling.
Cracks, chips, and other fractures can leave the tooth susceptible to infection. A proper diagnosis determines whether the patient requires immediate bonding or crown treatment. Rinse away tooth fragments and apply gauze to stop any bleeding. Reduce pain and swelling with a cold compress or pain medication.
Knocked out teeth can be reattached if the tooth is intact and patients quickly receive treatment. Rinse debris using warm water, handling the tooth only by its crown. Place it back into the socket if possible; otherwise, preserve the tooth in over-the-counter solution or milk.
Lost fillings or crowns leave the tooth open to damage and infection. A replacement is essential to protecting the smile from harmful bacteria.
Abscesses start at the root of the tooth and spread to other areas of the mouth if left untreated. Root canal therapy or an extraction may be necessary to eliminate bacteria and prevent further complications.
For all your dental emergency needs…call Green Cove Dental at (904) 297-8416.