If you would like to make an appointment, please contact our office at (904) 297-8416 or through our contact us page.
Same-day emergency appointments are available or just come to the office if you have a toothache. We arrange our schedule so that we can accommodate emergencies every day.
If you are unable to keep an appointment, we ask that you kindly provide us with at least 48 hours notice so that we can offer this appointment to another patient. If a 24 hour notice is not provided, a cancellation fee of $75 will be incurred.
Every effort is made to see patients at the appointed time, however if you are kept waiting there is usually a good reason, so please be patient. If you need to be seen urgently, then phone the practice as early in the day as possible. If you need to cancel an appointment, please give us at least 24 hours notice otherwise a $35 cancellation fee will be incurred.
We accept MasterCard, Visa, and Discover card and accept Care Credit and offer our own in-house savings plan as payment options. We also accept most insurance plans.
We try hard to make your dentistry affordable. Would you like to find out how affordable your dentistry can be?
Give us a call at (904) 297-8416 for new patients, or you can request an appointment online!
We’re a busy practice and from time to time we are looking for bright, hard-working employees. Feel free to drop in a resume at our office!
If you would like to make an appointment, please contact our office at (904) 297-8416 or through our contact us page.
Same-day emergency appointments are available or just come to the office if you have a toothache. We arrange our schedule so that we can accommodate emergencies every day.
If you are unable to keep an appointment, we ask that you kindly provide us with at least 48 hours notice so that we can offer this appointment to another patient. If a 24 hour notice is not provided, a cancellation fee of $75 will be incurred.
Every effort is made to see patients at the appointed time, however if you are kept waiting there is usually a good reason, so please be patient. If you need to be seen urgently, then phone the practice as early in the day as possible. If you need to cancel an appointment, please give us at least 24 hours notice otherwise cancellation charges may be incurred.
We accept MasterCard, Visa, and Discover card and we also have payment plans available. We also accept most insurance plans.
We try hard to make your dentistry affordable. Would you like to find out how affordable your dentistry can be?
Give us a call at (904) 297-8416 for new patients, or you can request an appointment online!
We’re a busy practice and from time to time we are looking for bright, hard-working employees. Feel free to drop in a resume at our office!